Games, Guns, Gazongas

Ah yes, and all the other things that make life worth living.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Damned things keep multiplying

Wow. I have three blogs. THREE. Why do I have three? Because it's more than two! Nah, seriously, I like this one the most, just for the features and the look and all. I have a MySpace to see what the peeps in VA are up to, and an LJ because the grrlz in PA have those. To manage all these things, I have decided that I will put all my content here, and just leave update notices and a link on the others. Save me some typing. Plus, there's only like 3 people that read my shit anyway, so meh. I'm gonna try to update at least once a week, on fridays.

Speaking of reading my shit. . . the story that Joe and I wrote has been added to a website! Go to and hit the 'written submissions' tab, it'll be in there. Hey, while you're there, look at the stuff about posting your own art and writing. That's the whole focus of that site, a forum for amateurs to post their stuff, and get feedback, and leave feedback for others. So if you're bored, go check it out. The story's name is "Binge and Purge", it is full of crude humor and lotsa talk about boobs. Fun stuff!

Anime club meeting this weekend, woo hoo. I have a couple of side trips planned -- gonna go to a local paperback exchange, and then go look at some guns. Hee hee, guns. . . Usually I just stay in the room and play Mah Jongg and chat and all. . . a change will be good.

Happy Chinese New Year, y'all. For sunday the 29th, that is.

OOoo, I found a forum about meeting groups, and there is a guy trying to start a Japanese Language group right here where I live. There's only 4 people signed up on the website so far, but I'm sure that will increase. First actual meeting is February 11th, I'm looking forward to that. I've been messing around with Japanese for 7 years now, I might as well take it seriously.

Hm. I'm not in the practice of making resolutions, but this year there's several things I want to accomplish. . .

~ Write another 2 episodes of Binge and Purge
~ Develop a good target round for my 7mm Remington rifle
~ Try out my airbrush
~ Make a lighted frame for the metal Lum my friends bought me (luv you all)
~ Clean out my basement
~ Live within my means (for a change)

. . . so we'll see which I can do, and which I can't.

TekkoShoCon coming up in a couple of months, that will be some good shit. Unless things go really wrong before then, I will have a bunch of $$ for that con. Good times ahead. . .

Oh, and here's a test photo. I got a PhotoBucket account to make it easier to put up pics. Sorry about it being huge and sideways. . . and don't I look happy!

Until next week. . . laterz, y'all.

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Blink, and a month goes by

Wow. Just. . . wow. I am the most horriblest updater ever. My updating skills are horrendisgustating. . . scrotagonal, even! Ha.

Not much to post about Christmas. It was low-key, and I don't mind that. Getting a chance to spend time with the whole family is all I really look forward to with Christmas anymore. I didn't buy gifts for anyone, I was a stingy bastard. Well, except for the one biiiiiiig gift we got for Joe. I hope he realizes that was Christmas, New Year's, birthdays, Easter, and Guy Fawke's Night gifts all in one stroke. New Year's was also low-key, and also fine with me. So, that's it for holidays! In one short paragraph, no less!

Actually, I must mention that some people gave me very nice gifts, including Lisa, and Lisa, and Bobbie, and Patti. . . I'll do something nice for all of ya during the year. Thanks a bundle, love all of you thi i i i i i is much [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ].

My world as of late has been dominated by one video game -- Steel Lancer. This type of game really appeals to me, for reasons I don't fully understand myself. Starting out, there is more sorting through menus than actual gameplay, but I like learning menu structures. Hey, shut up, I can like whatever I want. Once you do get to do some fighting, the game has a steady progression, as new weapons and items become available, and the challenges are ramped up. Last night I had a wonderful session against a stage boss. . . I tried and failed against him several times, then I stopped and thought about what he was doing to beat me. . . and I tried a new strategy. . . and next match, I actually beat the shit out of him with two hits. It was amazing! It is addictive, like sinking your first putt on a golf course, or shooting your first clay bird. That rush of adrenaline and sense of accomplishment is a drug. A very cheap and non-destructive one, though.

This year I simply must stop wasting so much money. What fits the description of 'waste'? Well, video games at full price. . . multiple mah jongg sets. . . eating out two and three and four times a week. . . stuff like that. I just have to stop throwing so much away on entertainment. I have put three big things on my schedule, three anime conventions. . . and they shall be my entertainment for the year. Not my only fun, mind you, I'll still be able to buy a game here and there, and have a few bucks to spend when there's an anime club meeting -- but I won't be buying every new game that I want, or making impulse buys, and I'll be keeping closer watch on my finances. Having everything written down helps me keep my spending in check for the month. I got a raise this year, so that should help. By this time next year, I want to be back on top of my school loan, and have wiped out two of my credit cards. A very do-able goal, if I just have the discipline to not spend money on stupid shit. I'll limit it to merely silly shit. There.

There will be much shooting this year. All of my brothers finally got memberships to the local shooting club, so I plan on making shooting trips at least twice a month. There's much, much worse ways to spend a saturday.

Huai hasn't forgotten about me yet. Hm, maybe I did something good in a previous life to deserve her. It must not have been THAT good, since she's 12,000 miles away. . . By the way, did you know that it costs $1.64 a minute to call Macau? EEgads, I sure know. . .

Should be an interesting year coming up. I'll try to keep it interesting enough to be worth writing about. Whee!