October sucks
. . . OK, make that "MY October sucks". . .
I haven't been using this blog as much as I thought I would. This is due in large part to the fact that I haven't been doing anything noteworthy. Without the bad news, October would have been just as exciting as all the previous months I didn't post about. Oh, and I changed my template to this nice blue. I'm used to light lines and text on a black background, but it seems some people don't like that. Oh, you people and your weak squishy eye-parts. Now, rejoice!
This has been the worst month for me. Short list: work issues, home issues, money issues, car issues. Doesn't leave much out. . . OK, I guess I can share some details.
Work was just. . . surreal. I was blind-sided with a deadline. The boss asked me about a project, and when I could have it done. The project in question was never given a specific deadline, and had been continually pushed back in favor of more immediate work. So the boss asks me to tell him when I can have it done. . . just give him a date. "We won't hold you to it, we just need a date for planning purposes.". Hm, right. . . well, I told him I could do it in a week. Fine, he says. During that week, I had to finish other things, and lost 3 days of work on the big project. Monday came around, and the boss asks "is it done?" I respond, "nope, not yet, almost." He then gives me a blast of shit about how we are behind on it, and it really needs to be done, etc. etc. Um, what the fuck? This is the exact opposite of "not holding me to it". I went into overdrive, and spent 12 hours a day at the office for the next 7 days, making sure I had it done for the next Monday. And done it was. Monday morning, boss comes through and asks if it's done. Yup, it's done. "Thank you", he says, and walks away. OK, I'm not looking for a dump truck full of money driven by a naked Jennifer Connelly as a reward. . . but a 74-hour workweek generally should warrant more than a "thank you". Add to that a bitching-out I was victim of. . . Long story there, but I was blamed for not meeting standards that didn't exist at the time, standards that I myself had started trying to fix to avoid such problems. Ironic. Also, there was a problem with a drawing, I talked to the person in charge of it, fixed the problem. . . all this happened before 9am. Boss called me up and asked about that drawing, I told him I already fixed it. OK, he says. Then, two hours later, he calls me back up to his office and says that two of the engineers have been talking about the problem all morning. Um, you mean the problem that I fixed in five minutes this morning, the one I told you was taken care of? He started bitching at me about how because of my actions (that is, doing my fucking job), it takes two hours to find the problem, and then four hours to talk about it, and ten hours to fix it. . . HUH? You mean, the problem it took me FIVE MINUTES to fix?? Then he tells me the engineers think it will take "this and this and this" to fix the problem. No, Boss, here's what it TOOK, and I already fixed it. . . No no, says Boss, I believe these guys. So he's telling me he thinks other people, not trained to do my job, know how to do my job better than me, actually trained and with 7 years of experience. Wonderful! In all, I got yelled at three times, and each time, I was not even given a chance to explain my side of the issue. I was wondering if I had a fucking bullseye on my forehead, some reason why I was instantly the bad guy, no matter what. Things seem to be improving, but I'm keeping an eye on the door. It would be a shame for me to have to go get a better-paying job.
I'm sick of my mom treating my house like her own personal storage space. Little story. . . recently, she asked that I write down everything that was expected of her to live in my house. Um, what? I'm not going to write some stupid renter's agreement for my mom. What I came up with was, "Use your common sense. . . show respect for the house, for yourself, and the people around you." Her response: ". . . I don't know what that means." And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is EXACTLY what is wrong at my house. If my mom made even the slightest effort to be tidy, it would change everything. . . but she won't. Or can't. Whichever. The result is that every little thing, as trivial as making a cup of soup, results in a mess that sits there and sits there and sits there. Look, take 5 seconds to put away the things you used making lunch. Take 10 seconds to sort your mail instead of tossing it on the nearest flat surface. If you spill something, take 20 seconds and wipe it up. Common sense, right? Showing respect, yes? It seems the adage about old moms and new tricks applies here. . . but I'm hopeful she'll learn.
Money has always been an issue with me. I can't seem to live within my means. If I want it, I buy it. I need to start denying myself certain extravagances, like eating out and Mah Jongg sets and four new video games a month. I'm getting better about trying to save a little here and there. It's not like I'm a deadbeat and dodging my creditors; to the contrary, every bill I have (except for one) is up to date and always paid on time. . . I just have nothing left over to save. Getting a better-paying job would definitely make it easier on me. I don't want to have a vastly different lifestyle, I just want to be able to afford the one I have now.
Car issues. Yay. Waaaaay back in March, my post was about my mirror being smashed off. October wins the prize, though. Leaving work one night, I was stopped at a stop sign, and as I started to turn, a girl came right through the intersection and smashed the front of my car. Ouch. Luckily, no one was hurt. . . but both cars had to be towed. My front bumper is split in half, my passenger headlight is gone, my hood is wrinkled up, my radiator is punctured, and the passenger front panel is pushed back enough that the door won't open. I missed a day of work making all the phone calls. I did file a claim with the other driver's insurance, and got a rental car, and it looks like her insurance will pay for the rental and my deductible and everything. It's just a matter of time until I get my car back. I love my car. I rented a PT Cruiser, I've been driving it for a week. Hm. . . it is surprisingly roomy inside, and it gets great gas mileage. That's it for positives. Other than that, I really don't like driving it. I really like my Impala.
Sigh. OK, bitchfest completed. I'm generally not a negative person, I just got too much shit from all sides all at once. I spent two weeks getting shit at work, and wondering what condition the house would be in that night. . . then I'd get home to a trashed house, unable to even sit somewhere to watch TV, and sulk about what shit I would get at work the next day. BUT. . . it's all getting better. At least I HAVE a job, and I really do enjoy what I do, and I don't have any worries of being laid off or fired outright. Be it ever so jumbled, I have a house of my own. Its condition is as much due to my inaction as my mom's actions, and that is something I can remedy. My car may be down and out for a few more weeks, but if I had pulled into the intersection 3 seconds earlier, I could be in the hospital -- so I'm damned lucky. It's rough trying to be all responsible with money. . . but I'm sure I can manage that.
See? Even though lots of bad stuff happened this month, the bad doesn't come close to outweighing the good that I have. So FUCK YOU, OCTOBER. Nice try, see you again next year!
In other news. . . Anime USA is coming up. It's bound to be an adventure this year. 6 people in our hotel room, our hotel is 600 feet away from the convention hotel, the venue is double-booked with another convention. . . Banzai! I'll make sure to get pictures.
December will be interesting. As some of you may know, I've been talking and emailing with QiHuai, also known as "China Girl", for about three years now. She is planning on visiting the U.S. for the last two weeks of December, during her winter break from college. Big surprise, but she wants to spend as much of it as possible at my place. I'm still not sure how to feel about the whole thing. . . I have gotten various and sundry tips from everyone I know. Responses range from "she's just a total psycho, you need to run far away" to "she's going to latch on to you and you'll just ignore everyone else around you" to others I can't really repeat. To those of you that are rooting for me, thank you very much, you know who you are. It's been noted that having a stranger inhabit your house for a week is a bit odd. Well. . . even though I have not met her face-to-face yet, Huai is not a stranger to me. I'm not saying we have already made plans to elope and raise eight kids in the foothills of Montana. . . but I know enough about her, to want to know more. And despite rumors that fairy-tale love actually exists, I'm a bit too cynical to think you can fall madly in love with someone just from internet chats and pictures and phone calls. I feel bad for every young lady who finally meets her internet true-love, to discover that he picks his nose in public and has nasty body hair and smells bad all the time. Love has a physical side to it, and no amount of intangible cooing and wooing can overcome that fact. So far, the intangibles have met my standards. . . now let the tangibles fly! (hee hee, fun mental image there) Besides, I've had such great luck with girls from this hemisphere. . . maybe the other side of the planet has better things in store for me.
Yawn. Friday at the office. Unless there's a pressing deadline, fridays here barely count as work days. Most people leave around 3pm. . . there's been times when I walk around at 3:30pm, and I'm the only person in the building. I'd love to leave a little early, but I'm making up time for missing last Wednesday (car accident phone-call day). But the weekend is almost here, and I'm looking forward to doing lots and lots of nothing. Well, I have plans, but nothing extreme.
So long, October. Been one hell of a ride this year. Oh, and sorry about the "fuck you". . . I love autumn, really I do, it's my favorite season. . .
Hopefully I'll have a more up-beat post next time, most likely after AUSA. OOOooo, this sunday is the 5th of November. . . gonna watch V For Vendetta. . . and hope there's a moose outside to tackle afterwards. . .
Oh, there have been pictures. . . just none to post here. Go here http://s39.photobucket.com/albums/e174/4570Steve/ to see some. I really need to organize those.
Take care y'all.
I haven't been using this blog as much as I thought I would. This is due in large part to the fact that I haven't been doing anything noteworthy. Without the bad news, October would have been just as exciting as all the previous months I didn't post about. Oh, and I changed my template to this nice blue. I'm used to light lines and text on a black background, but it seems some people don't like that. Oh, you people and your weak squishy eye-parts. Now, rejoice!
This has been the worst month for me. Short list: work issues, home issues, money issues, car issues. Doesn't leave much out. . . OK, I guess I can share some details.
Work was just. . . surreal. I was blind-sided with a deadline. The boss asked me about a project, and when I could have it done. The project in question was never given a specific deadline, and had been continually pushed back in favor of more immediate work. So the boss asks me to tell him when I can have it done. . . just give him a date. "We won't hold you to it, we just need a date for planning purposes.". Hm, right. . . well, I told him I could do it in a week. Fine, he says. During that week, I had to finish other things, and lost 3 days of work on the big project. Monday came around, and the boss asks "is it done?" I respond, "nope, not yet, almost." He then gives me a blast of shit about how we are behind on it, and it really needs to be done, etc. etc. Um, what the fuck? This is the exact opposite of "not holding me to it". I went into overdrive, and spent 12 hours a day at the office for the next 7 days, making sure I had it done for the next Monday. And done it was. Monday morning, boss comes through and asks if it's done. Yup, it's done. "Thank you", he says, and walks away. OK, I'm not looking for a dump truck full of money driven by a naked Jennifer Connelly as a reward. . . but a 74-hour workweek generally should warrant more than a "thank you". Add to that a bitching-out I was victim of. . . Long story there, but I was blamed for not meeting standards that didn't exist at the time, standards that I myself had started trying to fix to avoid such problems. Ironic. Also, there was a problem with a drawing, I talked to the person in charge of it, fixed the problem. . . all this happened before 9am. Boss called me up and asked about that drawing, I told him I already fixed it. OK, he says. Then, two hours later, he calls me back up to his office and says that two of the engineers have been talking about the problem all morning. Um, you mean the problem that I fixed in five minutes this morning, the one I told you was taken care of? He started bitching at me about how because of my actions (that is, doing my fucking job), it takes two hours to find the problem, and then four hours to talk about it, and ten hours to fix it. . . HUH? You mean, the problem it took me FIVE MINUTES to fix?? Then he tells me the engineers think it will take "this and this and this" to fix the problem. No, Boss, here's what it TOOK, and I already fixed it. . . No no, says Boss, I believe these guys. So he's telling me he thinks other people, not trained to do my job, know how to do my job better than me, actually trained and with 7 years of experience. Wonderful! In all, I got yelled at three times, and each time, I was not even given a chance to explain my side of the issue. I was wondering if I had a fucking bullseye on my forehead, some reason why I was instantly the bad guy, no matter what. Things seem to be improving, but I'm keeping an eye on the door. It would be a shame for me to have to go get a better-paying job.
I'm sick of my mom treating my house like her own personal storage space. Little story. . . recently, she asked that I write down everything that was expected of her to live in my house. Um, what? I'm not going to write some stupid renter's agreement for my mom. What I came up with was, "Use your common sense. . . show respect for the house, for yourself, and the people around you." Her response: ". . . I don't know what that means." And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is EXACTLY what is wrong at my house. If my mom made even the slightest effort to be tidy, it would change everything. . . but she won't. Or can't. Whichever. The result is that every little thing, as trivial as making a cup of soup, results in a mess that sits there and sits there and sits there. Look, take 5 seconds to put away the things you used making lunch. Take 10 seconds to sort your mail instead of tossing it on the nearest flat surface. If you spill something, take 20 seconds and wipe it up. Common sense, right? Showing respect, yes? It seems the adage about old moms and new tricks applies here. . . but I'm hopeful she'll learn.
Money has always been an issue with me. I can't seem to live within my means. If I want it, I buy it. I need to start denying myself certain extravagances, like eating out and Mah Jongg sets and four new video games a month. I'm getting better about trying to save a little here and there. It's not like I'm a deadbeat and dodging my creditors; to the contrary, every bill I have (except for one) is up to date and always paid on time. . . I just have nothing left over to save. Getting a better-paying job would definitely make it easier on me. I don't want to have a vastly different lifestyle, I just want to be able to afford the one I have now.
Car issues. Yay. Waaaaay back in March, my post was about my mirror being smashed off. October wins the prize, though. Leaving work one night, I was stopped at a stop sign, and as I started to turn, a girl came right through the intersection and smashed the front of my car. Ouch. Luckily, no one was hurt. . . but both cars had to be towed. My front bumper is split in half, my passenger headlight is gone, my hood is wrinkled up, my radiator is punctured, and the passenger front panel is pushed back enough that the door won't open. I missed a day of work making all the phone calls. I did file a claim with the other driver's insurance, and got a rental car, and it looks like her insurance will pay for the rental and my deductible and everything. It's just a matter of time until I get my car back. I love my car. I rented a PT Cruiser, I've been driving it for a week. Hm. . . it is surprisingly roomy inside, and it gets great gas mileage. That's it for positives. Other than that, I really don't like driving it. I really like my Impala.
Sigh. OK, bitchfest completed. I'm generally not a negative person, I just got too much shit from all sides all at once. I spent two weeks getting shit at work, and wondering what condition the house would be in that night. . . then I'd get home to a trashed house, unable to even sit somewhere to watch TV, and sulk about what shit I would get at work the next day. BUT. . . it's all getting better. At least I HAVE a job, and I really do enjoy what I do, and I don't have any worries of being laid off or fired outright. Be it ever so jumbled, I have a house of my own. Its condition is as much due to my inaction as my mom's actions, and that is something I can remedy. My car may be down and out for a few more weeks, but if I had pulled into the intersection 3 seconds earlier, I could be in the hospital -- so I'm damned lucky. It's rough trying to be all responsible with money. . . but I'm sure I can manage that.
See? Even though lots of bad stuff happened this month, the bad doesn't come close to outweighing the good that I have. So FUCK YOU, OCTOBER. Nice try, see you again next year!
In other news. . . Anime USA is coming up. It's bound to be an adventure this year. 6 people in our hotel room, our hotel is 600 feet away from the convention hotel, the venue is double-booked with another convention. . . Banzai! I'll make sure to get pictures.
December will be interesting. As some of you may know, I've been talking and emailing with QiHuai, also known as "China Girl", for about three years now. She is planning on visiting the U.S. for the last two weeks of December, during her winter break from college. Big surprise, but she wants to spend as much of it as possible at my place. I'm still not sure how to feel about the whole thing. . . I have gotten various and sundry tips from everyone I know. Responses range from "she's just a total psycho, you need to run far away" to "she's going to latch on to you and you'll just ignore everyone else around you" to others I can't really repeat. To those of you that are rooting for me, thank you very much, you know who you are. It's been noted that having a stranger inhabit your house for a week is a bit odd. Well. . . even though I have not met her face-to-face yet, Huai is not a stranger to me. I'm not saying we have already made plans to elope and raise eight kids in the foothills of Montana. . . but I know enough about her, to want to know more. And despite rumors that fairy-tale love actually exists, I'm a bit too cynical to think you can fall madly in love with someone just from internet chats and pictures and phone calls. I feel bad for every young lady who finally meets her internet true-love, to discover that he picks his nose in public and has nasty body hair and smells bad all the time. Love has a physical side to it, and no amount of intangible cooing and wooing can overcome that fact. So far, the intangibles have met my standards. . . now let the tangibles fly! (hee hee, fun mental image there) Besides, I've had such great luck with girls from this hemisphere. . . maybe the other side of the planet has better things in store for me.
Yawn. Friday at the office. Unless there's a pressing deadline, fridays here barely count as work days. Most people leave around 3pm. . . there's been times when I walk around at 3:30pm, and I'm the only person in the building. I'd love to leave a little early, but I'm making up time for missing last Wednesday (car accident phone-call day). But the weekend is almost here, and I'm looking forward to doing lots and lots of nothing. Well, I have plans, but nothing extreme.
So long, October. Been one hell of a ride this year. Oh, and sorry about the "fuck you". . . I love autumn, really I do, it's my favorite season. . .
Hopefully I'll have a more up-beat post next time, most likely after AUSA. OOOooo, this sunday is the 5th of November. . . gonna watch V For Vendetta. . . and hope there's a moose outside to tackle afterwards. . .
Oh, there have been pictures. . . just none to post here. Go here http://s39.photobucket.com/albums/e174/4570Steve/ to see some. I really need to organize those.
Take care y'all.
At 11:24 AM, Anonymous said…
I'm sorry you had a bad month, stevey! But things will get better, and if not I'll make them, damnit. You need a better job, you take too much shit from those assholes. And I'm totally visiting when i get home! Like, totally.
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